Detoxing from drugs or alcohol is not a one-size-fits-all process. The process of Steps Together’s detox programme varies and could take anywhere from a few days to several months. How long a detox takes depends on many factors, such as the substance or substances used, how often it was taken, how much was taken, and the clients medical history and age.

Steps Together offers a comprehensive detoxification programme designed to help individuals safely and comfortably detox from drugs and alcohol. Before admission to the programme, our clinical team will assess the client and determine what type of detox is best suited to their situation.

Detoxing from drugs or alcohol can be a difficult and uncomfortable process, but it can also be life-saving. Steps Together’s detox programme is designed to help individuals safely and comfortably detox from drugs and alcohol and start the journey to a healthier, drug- and alcohol-free life.

To read more our Clinical Approach at Steps Together please click here.