Published On: March 16, 2023

Breaking the pattern of Codependency

Misconceptions of Codependency

Codependency is a complex issue that is often misunderstood. Some common misconceptions include the belief that codependency only affects people in romantic relationships, or that it is simply a form of attachment. In reality, codependency can occur in any type of relationship and involves a range of behaviors, beliefs, and emotions that can be difficult to untangle.

Recognising the thought patterns and behaviours of Codependency

Breaking the pattern of codependency involves recognising and addressing the behaviors and thought patterns that contribute to it. This may include setting boundaries, practicing self-care, seeking therapy or support groups, and learning to prioritize one’s own needs and wellbeing. It can be a challenging process, but ultimately leads to healthier relationships and greater emotional resilience.

Some signs of codependency may include:

  • Difficulty setting boundaries
  • Low self-esteem
  • People-pleasing behavior
  • Feeling responsible for other peoples feelings
  • Neglecting one’s own needs in relationships

The cycle of Addiction and Codependency 

Codependency refers to a dysfunctional pattern of thinking and behavior in which a person is excessively focused on meeting the needs of others, often at the expense of their own wellbeing. Addiction, on the other hand, is a complex condition characterised by compulsive drug or alcohol use despite negative consequences. Research suggests that codependency and addiction are often interrelated, with codependent individuals more likely to become involved with substance abusers and addicts. This can create a cycle of enabling and dysfunctional behavior, making it difficult for both parties to recover.

Recovering from Codependency

Recovering from codependency often involves seeking therapy, practicing self-care and setting healthy boundaries, learning to communicate effectively, and developing a support network. It’s important to address any underlying issues that may have contributed to the development of codependency and to work towards building a more fulfilling and independent life.

Seeking professional help 

At Steps Together our purpose is to ensure that we secure lasting recovery and improved health and wellbeing for all those affected by poor mental health or addiction, by providing confidential, discreet therapy programmes, or clinical treatment and care through our UK based range of residential treatment centres, or outpatient services.

For a free and confidential discussion with our expert treatment advisors, contact us today on: 0330 175 7031 or visit for further information. 

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