Published On: April 26, 2024

A Story of Recovery and Growth: From Client to Lead Therapist

Five years ago, Steve entered Steps Together at The Chestnuts, a treatment centre for addiction, in a state of utter despair. His life had crumbled around him, losing his family, job, and friends to the relentless grip of addiction. He had reached rock bottom and was desperate for a way out.

Through countless therapy groups, one-on-one counselling, and detoxification, a spark ignited within Steve. He began to comprehend the possibility of a life free from the shackles of addiction. After leaving treatment, he continued to attend Steps Together’s aftercare group and went to many fellowship meetings, building a foundation of sobriety.

Inspired by his own recovery journey, Steve felt a deep desire to give back to the community that had helped him. He began volunteering at Steps Together’s The Chestnuts in Leicestershire, sharing his experience, strength, and hope with others struggling with addiction.

As Steve’s sobriety grew stronger, so did his commitment to helping others. He soon became a Support Worker at The Chestnuts and that role developed into a Therapy Support Worker helping to support our therapeutic team. Steve had enrolled in counselling qualifications and, upon completing them, has now become a fully qualified therapist at The Chestnuts. But not just any therapist…His dedication and passion for his work earned him a promotion to Lead Therapist!

Recently, Steve celebrated five years of sobriety, a testament to his determination and the transformative power of recovery. He is now an inspiration for those grappling with addiction, proving that it is possible to break free from its clutches and lead a fulfilling life.

Steve’s journey is a reminder that even in the darkest of times, hope can prevail. He is a shining example of the resilience of the human spirit and the profound impact that recovery can have on an individual’s life.

Steve H

“I remember coming into the Chestnuts almost 5 years to the day as a client. I had lost my family, my friends and my job and was in a very dark place. After treatment I continued with my recovery and attended the wonderful aftercare group at the Chestnuts until 6 months later they asked me to be a volunteer which I readily accepted. Soon after I began my new career in addiction recovery as a support worker at the Chestnuts and from there I’ve gone from strength to strength and have never looked back. Whilst I worked my way through my own recovery journey, I have achieved qualifications in therapy which at the age of 60 was a bit of a challenge. I’m now 5 years sober and leading the therapy team at the chestnuts. I could not have dreamed of this 5 years ago when I came through the doors here smashed up and without any hope. But with the love and amazing support of all the team here and the Steps Together family, everything has been possible.”

For anyone experiencing difficulty with addiction or poor mental health, Steve’s story offers a beacon of hope. It demonstrates that with the right support and determination, it is possible to overcome the challenges of addiction and live a life of purpose and meaning.

Steps Together Group provide a collection of private residential and non-residential treatment services that support individuals, families, employers and communities who are experiencing difficulty with, or have been affected by the devastating impact of addiction or poor mental health. For a free and confidential discussion with one of our treatment advisors please call 0330 175 7031 today, or visit for further information.

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