Published On: December 21, 2017

How to Stay Sober During the Festive Season

Top Tips To Stay Sober


“Once a person is determined to help themselves, there is nothing that can stop them.” – Nelson Mandela

It can be a time of year when there is more social drinking going on around you, with work Christmas parties and family get-togethers. You know now with your new habits and beliefs that you have chosen the path of happiness and sobriety. We recommend focusing your energy on something on something positive to help you feel good.

You now have this different attitude towards caring about your health and want to develop techniques to live a healthy life.

Here are 8 top tips from Darren Rolfe, CEO of Steps Together Rehab:

1. Exercise

Get lots of fresh air and regular exercise. This is key to help with recovery, be it going to the gym, working on fitness programmes with a personal trainer, or starting out and it all seems overwhelming, just a 15 minute walk a day. You can then build this up each week. Keep a diary of your achievements.

Physical activity helps boost your mood. It stimulates various brain chemicals that may help you feel happier and more relaxed. Once it becomes a habit, your mind will take it as given and it will become a regular part of your life.

2. Re-ignite passion or try a new hobby

Be creative – if you make something with your hand, it has been found to have a high correlation to happiness. In today’s fast-paced society, people don’t always spend time on being in the moment. Choose something you feel you have an interest in, be it photography, baking, painting, gardening, DIY or anything else.

there are no rules, try different thing and you will be surprised at how good you will feel when you try something new. This is a time to really nurture yourself and develop your new healthy passion.

3. Spend time with people

Spend time with people that understand and are supportive of your recovery. Having a network of a few people who understand what you are going through and that you can turn to if you are feeling you are having a difficult time.

4. Helping others

Helping others at this time of year is actually a great way, to build up self-esteem. For example; if you can work with a local charity that you feel some empathy and passion for. An act of kindness enhances your wellbeing. However, big or small. Start taking steps today. Write a list of causes that you feel empathy towards and find out how you can get involved and become a volunteer.

5. Mindfulness – Helps your brain focus

What is mindfulness? It’s a simple yet effective type of meditation that allows you to help control certain thoughts in your mind. it has shown that mindful activities really help with stress reduction. When you practice mindfulness, be it meditation, or physical activities like yoga, it changes the way our mind responds to any external situation that you may be finding difficult to deal with.

Mindfulness and relaxation apps are now becoming readily, you can check out headspace and calm.

The more activities you do, the calmer you will be. You will have a better ability to deal with stressful situations moving forward. If you can give yourself positive affirmations and feedback every day, your self-esteem will improve. Remember, you are the most amazing person in the world. You are unique!

So try a meditation app today or book a local class. Remember by making it become a priority in your life and a regular commitment, your brain will start to learn to be happy in the moment.

6. Choose social situations carefully

If you are not feeling 100% comfortable about attending a particular event, we recommend removing that pressure from yourself. Do not feel you have to attend if you do not wish to. Take control of the situation. You can decline an invitation, speak to the host they will understand.

7. It is stepping stones to happiness

Congratulate yourself every day on your amazing achievements and be proud of yourself and the new life you’ve created.

8. Key numbers and supports

If you are seeking help, in Nottingham are here to provide advice and support, understand how our rehab centre can provide help for alcohol dependency this Christmas and New Year with our outstanding alcohol programme. Alternatively, you can contact online support through alcoholics anonymous or Samaritans.

Alcoholics Anonymous: 0845 7697 55

Samaritans – 116 123

You made the choice to start your new sober free life and we are so excited for you and your positive journey ahead! We wish you a successful, sober and wonderful Christmas and New Year!

Get help today

To take your first step please call or fill in the form and a member of our team will be in contact as soon as possible.

Please note from 9am to 10pm we will endeavour to respond to this form within 1 hour. After 10pm we will respond by 10am, 7 days a week.

Please fill in the form or call 0330 175 7031.