Drug and Alcohol Rehab Luton2024-01-25T20:23:06+00:00

Say “No” To Drug & Alcohol Addiction Today near Luton

Are you someone struggling with addiction? Are you tired of having it take over your life? Or is someone you love struggling with addiction? We can help. Steps Together Rehab offers you professional rehabilitation solutions in the Luton region, so that you are enabled to live a life free from drug or alcohol addiction. Contact us today and get professional consultation to choose a suitable treatment plan for yourself or your loved one.

Take your first steps to recovery

What makes us a competent rehabilitation facility near Luton?

We provide our clients with a well-designed treatment plan with innovative therapies and detoxification practices. Steps Together Rehab was launched to provide holistic treatment to those afflicted with addiction.

  • Holistic approach – To ensure long-term recovery, we don’t just try to keep you free from substances, but also treat the root causes of one’s addiction problems. This prevents relapse.
  • Highly competent staff – Our team comprises skilled and experienced psychologists, nurses, nutritionists, and physicians who work together to provide you with the best possible support. Recovery from addiction is challenging, and we make sure to leave no stone unturned in addressing it.
  • Supportive and calm atmosphere – We have our residences and detoxification centres situated in quiet and secluded areas. This is to ensure that you have a serene atmosphere that is essential for optimal healing.
  • Affordability – We work hard to ensure that your stay with us is worth every penny. Our treatment plans are offered at economical rates to ensure accessibility.
  • Personalised care – Every individual is unique and we recognise that. We offer our clients personalised treatment plans, according to their unique needs.
  • Aftercare & ongoing support – As mentioned, our approach is holistic and aims for long-term recovery. Our aftercare facilities exist to prevent chances of relapse and ensure a secure future for you, free from addiction. These solutions may include transitional living facilities and support groups.

List of services offered

  • In-patient treatment – This refers to residential treatment that includes constant monitoring and planned treatment with group therapies, counselling sessions, and more.
  • Out-patient rehab facilities – For those who don’t require full-time hospitalisation, out-patient services provide the flexibility to get treatment while staying home. It generally includes day programmes and support.
  • Partial hospitalisation – A short two-week residential programme involving group therapy and appointments with experts.
  • Detoxification therapy – Through the elaborate steps of evaluation, stabilisation, and treatment, you are detoxified from substances in a conducive environment.
  • Withdrawal symptoms management – Withdrawal symptoms are some of the most distressing parts of rehabilitation. To deal with it, we offer a comfortable atmosphere and full support, nutritious food, and medication if required.
  • Pharmacotherapy – We have a team of competent doctors who prescribe you appropriate medication to deal with withdrawal symptoms and speed up your recovery.
  • Family therapy – A supportive family works wonders when battling addiction. We encourage involvement to address dysfunctional behaviours as well as rule out root causes of addiction so that it doesn’t pass to future generations.

Real stories from our previous clients


“I can’t imagine to this day what it was like for my parents, a mix of relief that I had finally agreed and disbelief that this is what it had come to.”

Ben, sober since January 2019

How do we stage our recovery programme?

Step 1: Identifying and evaluating the addiction

Step 2: Designing personalised treatment plans

Step 3: Beginning the detoxification phase

Step 4: Rehabilitation

Step 5: Discharge and after-care services

Here’s what a regular day at our rehab looks like

  • Morning – Meditation, group therapy, and confidence-building
  • Afternoon – Behavioural therapy, family support therapy, and alternative therapies in the form of art, music, and exercise
  • Evening – Group sessions, guided counselling, and socialising

All of these sessions are distributed with sufficient gaps for introspection and self-analysis.

Changing the lives of those affected by addiction

Steps Together Rehab was built with the mission of offering holistic treatment solutions to anyone afflicted with addiction. You can call us on 0330 175 7031 anytime to know more about our treatment facilities. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

Our treatment centre locations

If you’re looking for the best residential services for lasting recovery, look no further than Steps Together. Our team of professionals are dedicated to providing the highest standards of care and support, in a safe and secure environment.

Rainford Hall, St. Helen’s, Merseyside

Rainford Hall, St. Helen’s, Merseyside

Fenny Bank Cottage, St. Helen’s, Merseyside

Fenny Bank Cottage, St. Helen’s, Merseyside

Bank House, Nottinghamshire

Bank House, Nottinghamshire

The Chestnuts, Leicestershire

The Chestnuts, Leicestershire

George House, Nottinghamshire

George House, Nottinghamshire

Elizabeth House, Nottinghamshire

Elizabeth House, Nottinghamshire

Free alcohol recovery Luton treatment services

All meeting days, times and venues were correct at time of publication. For a full list of meetings in the Merseyside area, please visit the alcoholics anonymous website.



Strathmore Avenue Methodist church, 43 Strathmore Ave LU1 3NZ

13.00 – duration 1hr


Luton Strathmore Ave

Methodist Church Hall, Strathmore Ave, Park Town


19.00 – duration 1hr


Luton Nowy Rozdzial Polish Speaking

Hall at the back of St Margaret of Scotland Parish, 22a Bolingbroke Rd LU1 5JD

17.30 – duration 1hr 30mins


Luton A Ray Of Hope Primary Purpose 11th Step

Friends Meeting House, 28 Crawley Green Rd LU2 0QX

11.00 – duration 1hr

Free drug recovery Luton treatment services

All meeting days, times and venues were correct at time of publication. For a full list of meetings in the Merseyside area, please visit the narcotics anonymous website.


Step into NA

Hightown Community Sports & Arts Centre Concorde Street Luton Bedfordshire LU2 0JD

19:00 ~ 20:15


Hemel Hempstead Tuesday Night

Apsley Community Centre London Road Hemel Hempstead Hertfordshire HP3 9SB

19:45 ~ 21:00


St Albans Road to Recovery

The Living Room 156 Hatfield Road St Albans

Hertfordshire AL1 4JA

18:30 ~ 19:30


Thursday Night Living Clean

Hightown Community Sports & Arts Centre Concorde Street Luton Bedfordshire LU2 0JD

20:00 ~ 21:00

Latest news from Steps Together

Get help today

To take your first step please call or fill in the form and a member of our team will be in contact as soon as possible.

Please note from 9am to 10pm we will endeavour to respond to this form within 1 hour. After 10pm we will respond by 10am, 7 days a week.

Please fill in the form or call 0330 175 7031.

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