Non-residential services
Under the direction of a Senior Management Board with more than thirty years of combined experience, Steps Together’s wide range of outpatient and support services ensures that we can offer private services for individuals, families, and employers, providing quick access to the best outpatient clinical care and psychological support in the UK and international cities.
What we treat
Our professional, multidisciplinary outpatient clinics for addiction and mental health have been effectively designed to offer our clients, their loved ones, or their employers the appropriate level of expertise and support for anyone having difficulty with addiction or poor mental health.
Our successful clinical and therapy services, which are based on the most advanced UK and international standards of care, have been developed specifically to treat a variety of addictions, behaviours, and mental health issues.
Our approach
The clinical and psychological (therapy) outpatient services offered by Steps Together are based on the very best evidenced based methods of addiction treatment, guaranteeing that you will receive the best possible care for your mental health or addictions.
Our multi-disciplinary outpatient teams include:
Consultant psychiatrists
BACP accredited counsellors, psychotherapists & psychologists
Specialist general practitioners (GPwSI) in the field of addiction and mental health
Phlebotomy health care assistants
Specialist addiction nurse practitioners & non-medical prescribers
Assistant nurse practitioners
Specialist mental health nurse practitioners
International network of approved clinical & counselling therapy specialists
Clinical treatment
Our clinical and outpatient psychiatry treatment plans are designed to align with the highest standards of clinical excellence and best practices. The National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE), the British Medical Association (BMA), and the UK Government’s Department of Health & Social Care (DHSC) provide expert clinical guidance that informs and designs our delivery. This ensures that our treatment programmes are in line with our core values.
Steps Together’s treatment programmes for psychotherapy and counselling are led and created to meet the highest standards of therapeutic excellence and practice. The British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) and the UK Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP) have established strong ethical codes which guide the way we operate.
We use evidence-based techniques and internationally recognised psychological treatment methods to develop our programmes. This ensures that our psychological and therapy treatments align with our core values.
Steps Together has carefully selected a dedicated group of people based on their breadth of experience and level of professional competence in order to offer a full range of private Outpatient Services that include discreet, private, confidential treatment and healthcare for individuals, families, employers, and communities.
Mental health outpatient services
Our specialist mental health outpatient services provide a range of assessments and treatment to help anyone struggling with feelings of low level poor mental health, or suffering from a diagnosed enduring medical health condition.
Led by Steps Together’s consultant psychiatrists and qualified multi-disciplinary team, these services are the perfect option for anyone displaying signs, symptoms or behaviours that may indicate a specific mental health condition, or identify a level of poor mental health and low mood, requiring either clinical treatment or psychological (therapy) treatments.