Published On: January 10, 2023

Giving your recovery the best start this 2023

After the Christmas season and New Year excitement, it’s completely normal to feel a little under the weather at this time of the year. The month of January brings darker mornings and colder weather which can sometimes leave individuals feeling sad, experience lower energy levels and lack of motivation, especially with the aftermath of the Christmas period.

With those January Blues colliding with working a programme of recovery, it can be a difficult time for many. Particularly for individuals who are in the early stages of their sobriety.

When working a programme of recovery we like to find a ‘solution’ to our problems, we acknowledge our thoughts and feelings, process, and try to move forward.

Tips on protecting your sobriety:

  • Attend a local fellowship meeting.
  • Replace those old patterns and behaviours.
  • Reach out to your recovery network and support group.
  • If you have a sponsor or a therapist, schedule a date to meet up with them or arrange a phone call.
  • Live one day at a time.
  • Practice a form of self-care, meditation, exercise etc.
  • Keep a journal, write down what you are grateful for today.
  • Find opportunities to be of service, for example, volunteering in your local community.
  • Reach out to a newcomer in a meeting, there are many way to ‘give back’.

Beating January Blues

January is also the most common month for those who experience (SAD) Seasonal Affective Disorder. If you’re feeling low this January, we can beat them together!

Tips for beating those January Blues:

  • Anticipate an event with loved ones – organise a day to invite your family or close friends round for lunch or tea, this will give you something to look forward to and will create positive feelings.
  • Eat a well-balanced diet – plan your food schedule for the week, research healthy recipes, eating a well-balanced diet is a natural way to boost your mood and energy levels.
  • Stick to a routine – Try to avoid altering your routine, stick to your everyday schedule.
  • Keep your home bright – Vitamin D from natural light can help to improve your mood, try to avoid keeping curtains and blinds shut.
  • Exercise – Staying active can be a vital way to lift your energy levels and your mood. It doesn’t always need to be intense training, a stroll or simple stretching will help.
  • Keep friends and family close – Reach out to your loved ones, whether it be face-to-face or phone call, keep that connection.

Let 2023 be the year to begin your journey of wellbeing and recovery.

At Steps Together our purpose is to ensure that we secure lasting recovery and improved health and wellbeing for all those affected by poor mental health or addiction, by providing confidential, discreet therapy programmes, or clinical treatment and care through our UK based range of residential treatment centres, or outpatient services.

For a free and confidential discussion with our expert treatment advisors, contact us today on: 0330 175 7031

Finding local meetings in your area:

Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings (AA)

Narcotics Anonymous Meetings (NA)


Cocaine Anonymous Meetings (CA)

Co-dependency Anonymous Meetings (CoDA)

Over Eaters Anonymous Meetings (OA)

Gambling Anonymous Meetings (GA)

Get help today

To take your first step please call or fill in the form and a member of our team will be in contact as soon as possible.

Please note from 9am to 10pm we will endeavour to respond to this form within 1 hour. After 10pm we will respond by 10am, 7 days a week.

Please fill in the form or call 0330 175 7031.