Alcohol and Drug Addiction Treatment near Stoke-on-Trent
Drug and alcohol addiction can make you lose track of your life, relationship, job and, worst, yourself. Despite trying many times, thousands are unable to escape the self-destructive cycle they have gotten themselves into.These are not just our thoughts; hundreds of our clients speak of the same feeling of sadness due to their addiction issues when they come to us.
Take your first steps to recovery
Start your journey to recovery today
Our well-trained and experienced staff cares for each person in a way that is unique to them. This dedication to helping you recover with ease and comfort is what makes us stand out from other rehab centres in Stoke-onTrent.
We work from unearthing the behaviours or reasons that led you into addiction so that we may address the problem at its core and minimise the risk of relapse. We work hard to ensure you leave our rehab feeling renewed and invigorated.
You can have a private chat with one of our advisors today. Call 0330 175 7031 to know more about Steps Together’s treatments and options available to you.
Real stories from our previous clients
“I can’t imagine to this day what it was like for my parents, a mix of relief that I had finally agreed and disbelief that this is what it had come to.”
Ben, sober since January 2019
Our treatment centre locations
If you’re looking for the best residential services for lasting recovery, look no further than Steps Together. Our team of professionals are dedicated to providing the highest standards of care and support, in a safe and secure environment.
Free alcohol recovery Stoke-on-trent treatment services
All meeting days, times and venues were correct at time of publication. For a full list of meetings in the Merseyside area, please visit the alcoholics anonymous website.
Free drug recovery Stoke-on-trent treatment services
All meeting days, times and venues were correct at time of publication. For a full list of meetings in the Merseyside area, please visit the narcotics anonymous website.