Alcohol and Drug Addiction Treatment near Long Eaton
Overcoming alcohol and drug abuse starts with a committed approach. Deaddiction requires patience, support, and courage. We at Steps Together, Long Eaton, help you eliminate your dependence on alcohol and drugs to enjoy the day-by-day, long-term aim. Working with a personalised plan, we use a holistic approach to help control your cravings, withdrawals, and damaging behavioural habits. We understand that addiction to intoxicants holds specific thought and behavioural patterns. Our assessments, customised approaches, individual treatment programmes, and group counselling sessions cover intimate and social aspects of alcohol and drug rehabilitation.
Connect with a qualified rehab centre to address addiction causes and treatment programme specifications suited to your needs.
Take your first steps to recovery
Start your journey to recovery today
The point of self-commitment to self-restrain acquired alcohol- and drug-addictive habits is when recovery begins. We understand that people with severe substance addiction can experience extreme withdrawal symptoms.
The first step to healing and recovery at Steps Together, Alcohol & Drug Rehab near long Eaton, is clinical detoxification after a certified assessment to ensure an agreeable and receptive treatment.
The next is to examine the addict’s physiology, psychology, undulating degrees and history. Subsequently, professional consultants speak with the addict and family to agree to a personalised programme suiting particular needs and circumstances.
At any point, changes desired or required are jointly and thoughtfully communicated, approached, and explored. Customised individual and group programmes are an excellent way to empower you — a space where you are self-retrained, confident, and at peace.
You can have a quiet chat with one of our advisors today. Call 0330 175 7031 to know more about Steps Together’s treatments and options available to you.
Real stories from our previous clients
“I can’t imagine to this day what it was like for my parents, a mix of relief that I had finally agreed and disbelief that this is what it had come to.”
Ben, sober since January 2019
Our treatment centre locations
If you’re looking for the best residential services for lasting recovery, look no further than Steps Together. Our team of professionals are dedicated to providing the highest standards of care and support, in a safe and secure environment.
Free alcohol recovery Long Eaton treatment services
All meeting days, times and venues were correct at time of publication. For a full list of meetings in the Merseyside area, please visit the alcoholics anonymous website.
Free drug recovery Long Eaton treatment services
All meeting days, times and venues were correct at time of publication. For a full list of meetings in the Merseyside area, please visit the narcotics anonymous website.